
Bad Grade?

Betapa bodoh nya gua. Kantong mata udh tebel, masih aja gajelas gini. Jadi ceritanya besok insyaAllah deadline satu essay course self development gitu deh, yg mana gua udh dapet satu grade assignment rendah bgt. Trus juga besok insyaAllah ada kuis course bahasa Jepang, biasa sih tiap dua harian, jd udh bodo amat. Tp gatau knp gua pgn ngeblog aja di saat saat hectic gini #gapas bgt sih emg.
Oke jadi ada temen gua, mahasiswa juga, dari negara lain, abis dapet nilai jelek ceritanya.
This afternoon there was X course test result announcement
Determined we have to make up the test or not
And then, I have to take it
I’ve predicted before, tough
I’m often lounged when studying, still
Even not serious, some times
This is totally my fault
From the beginning of the term till the end, still like this
What the others’ grade is what burdened me from the start
I’m ashamed to the others
Shame of bringing me and my friends’ high school name
Uh, I dropped the school’s reputation badly
Even though people always said this course is easy
But I underestimated and became lazy
Yea maybe I’m too busy in other activity
But basically the mistake is I who underestimated and became lazy
So that I was crying at that moment
Felt uneasy to mother
Ashamed to the other
Then I vented to my big brother
I told him that I have to take the make up test
And he said, “ take it easy as you are a college student”
He got D grade and he felt totally ok
Yea he said just take the make up
And he said blab la bla, just enjoy your college student life
“Practice to get bad grade
You’ll never always get good grade right?
D grade wouldn’t change the future”
But I said how if I couldn’t get cum laude
“there’s the make up then, you can get B…”
I said I’m ashamed to the others
you have to feel shame to Allah
ignore the grade
learn how to stand up again
the real life started after school
essentially, you only have to graduate from university"
Yea the point is, life after campus life will be more insane
He asked, “what do you want to be?”
He said, “be an entrepreneur engineer
So you could raise other engineer then,
Non sense if you got cum laude but you become ordinary employee
Same as the other employee who didn’t get cum laude”
He told me to change my mind set
“Not easy to stand up again when fell down
In the future there will be more often falling down than just getting a D grade like now. So practice from now on to stand up swift”
Wa, byk pelajaran ya dari kaka nya dia. 

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